Friday, 4 September 2015

Good Morning wonderful LNYDP peeps. Another busy week here in LNYDP Mews Headquarters and well another very busy building week in our Mews it would seem! Alfie is not impressed at all lol! Disturbing his daytime siesta!! However even with our great leader and hero touring the US, we continue on like the super troopers / eager beavers that we are haha!! So whats been happening in a nutshell.......

My Friday view lol! Alfie certainly keeps the builders on their toes lol!

Welcome (Back) Pandemonium Drummers

Some excellent news, the Pandemonium drummers are confirmed to once again perform in LNYDP 2016. Fantastic news as this group of drummers are extraordinary! Come and watch them wow the crowds with their magical drum playing ability on January 1st! I hear they will be wearing some very magical costumes too! #excited#newyear#londonparade#LNYDP

The amazing Pandemonium Drummers in the Finale area performing amazingly at a previous LNYDP! What a superb sight and sound! 

Another wonderful snap of the Pandemonium Drummers performing at a night time festival. Truly magnificent to behold!

Limited Edition T-Shirt NOW AVAILABLE!

Ok, so a while back I mentioned that we were offering a super exclusive and extremely limited edition LNYDP 30th Anniversary T-Shirt of which only 100 will ever be made! Well, these bad boys went on sale yesterday and already 15 have been sold! They are seriously awesome. Once these historic and iconic T's have gone, they are gone forever as no more will be made! However, I will be holding one back for the lucky 100,000 viewer of this blog! Hopefully that will be next week and it might be you! Keep reading peeps! 

Just awesome!! Frankly, need I say more lol!

LNYDP Mews News

So, I had my first ever Cro-dough this week! JUST WOW!! A hybrid doughnut and croissant. Amazing for your waistline and fat free lol! Joking aside,  OMG tasty LNYDP peeps! Plus I had a raspberry flavour cro-dough so part of my five a day haha!! Check out the pic below! Come stop by our office and try one for yourself. Seriously you will never look back lol!

Mmmhhhh!!! Yummy in my tummy lol!! Perfect morning set up!!

Bug Alert! Alfie Watch!

I am not going to say toooo much about this as it still freaks me out....However I feel the photograph speaks for itself! Safe to say, I think the building work across the way might have something to do with this rather big fella wandering through the LNYDP Mews front door, albeit extremely uninvited! Alfie didn't notice mind you haha!!

WTF!! Seriously it's like an alien monster! Hugeeeee!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!

Little Alf has had another excellent week! He is super happy although rather irritated by the building outside, letting us all know his displeasure with a rather frequent bark! Fair!! However and far more importantly, Alf has a new favourite toy to keep him occupied and it is hilarious! Its a dancing penguin and every time the penguin moves, Alf runs and hides behind my chair! Tooooo funny!! Need to fishure out how to upload the videos for you amazing LNYDP peeps to watch! Of course cute snap of the handsome guy below lol! Wouldn't be the Joe and Alfie blog without that right lol!!

What a dog! The incredible LNYDP Mascot Alfie! Just too cute for words x

Song Of The Week

A tough one this week, but been listening to this in the car and got really into it! Little car dancing with Alf haha!! Enjoy magnificent LNYDP peeps! Have a great weekend x

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