Friday, 20 March 2015

Good Morning LNYDP magnificent people! Today's blog is going to be short and sweet I am afraid! Sure that is probably good news right haha!! Well basically yesterday and today have not been good days for me and Alf, the sick bug finally caught us up and well we realised that we are not as invincible as originally thought lol!! So yes I have severe man flu and Alf has severe doggy flu, right pair we are!! lol!!

A face that could melt a thousand LNYDP hearts lol!!

Working From Home

So as you guys can probably tell I have been banned from the LNYDP Mews Headquarters as no one wants to be infected with my man flu! Charming right lol!! Even my amazing girlfriend won't give me a kiss!! Of course though this does does not mean that work stops lol!! No No!! It simply means that Alf and I work from home and the photo below shows that that is exactly what we Alf and I are doing lol!! In truth it is just too cute a photo not to show! The funniest part was that he actually tried typing too.....albeit fairly unsuccessfully haha!! 

LNYDP Mascot Alfie hard at work!! #wonder dog! 

The Plants are Alive! 

If you remember a while back I mentioned that the lovely LNYDP heroin Benita bought a gift of two lovely plants for the lovely LNYDP lady duo, Lizzie and Sara and I rather harshly gave those plants maybe 7 days to live? Well I have to eat my words.... the plants are still going more than strong lol!! Genuinely! Lovely LNYDP ladies I stand corrected and lunch is indeed on Alf and I next week! Damn it haha!! In fact to prove the Plants well being Sara took and sent this photo below! Yep, fair to say I have no excuses on this one, I was wrong lol!!

The lovely LNYDP Sara showing her magnificent green fingers!! 

LNYDP and Zest Media 

I am delighted to announce that after many months of talks, Zest Media who run the finest printed press in London are going to be working exclusively with LNYDP this year. I am delighted to be working closely with Rollo at Zest Media and well frankly this is hugely exciting news for LNYDP and Zest Media. All those months of negotiating really did pay off!  The only thing I will say, is that Rollo might need to improve his tennis skills lol!! Joking Rollo! 

The Eclipse

Well I had to add this is as apparently it is huge news!! I have to confess I missed it as I was in the shower lol! But this is what the Major News Stations said and Sara and Malcolm assured me it was very impressive!! 

Millions of people in the UK and northern Europe have glimpsed the best solar eclipse in years.The Earth was plunged into darkness as the Moon came between us and the Sun'. 

So there we have it! Apparently it was truly amazing! Below I have included a pretty picture of the eclipse....

The stunning Eclipse that Alf and I missed lol! 

Song Of The Week

This young Brit is not everyone's cup of tea! But this song is truly magnificent! Listen, enjoy and have a greatt weekend you amazing people!!

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