Friday, 13 February 2015

Wow, how much of a shambles have Alfie and I been recently!! We apologise most humbly to all you magnificent LNYDP fans. From now on, we will not miss a single blog! That is our promise to you splendiferous people! In truth I have really missed you guys although I am sure the feeling is not mutual lol!

Now it has been a little quieter the last week or so and I must say it has been much needed, as it allowed Alf and I to pop away for a few days to recuperate  and return back to LNYDP Mews headquarters full of beans...which we well and truly have! In fact as I type LNYDP hero and Mascot Alfie is sprinting up and down the stairs, much to amusement and bafflement of Malcolm and I!! Wish I could take a video lol! Instead you will have to settle for a picture of Alfie's new favourite pastime....barking at all Animals on TV!! Its honestly not annoying at all lol!!

He especially dislikes the Tiger! lol!

So, enough kaffufle and inane Joe ramblings!! News to report!

LNYDP Merchandise!

This year has been the best LNYDP Merchandise year ever in terms of sales and quality of Merchandise...hopefully you incredible people agree!! The LNYDP Clothing range has fully sold out, bar a few remaining select size T-Shirts and the feedback (more importantly) has been utterly tremendous and truly overwhelming! I personally feel very proud of the quality, look and branding of the LNYDP Merchandise and truthfully I have you amazing fans to thank for that! It is your feedback, honestly and of course support  which has taken the LNYDP Merchandise to where it is today, so a huge thank you from Alf and I and all at LNYDP Mews Headquarters!

I must also give a huge thank you to my sales team who do a superb job on the Pop Up Shops and who I am sure many of you amazing fans will have met this year or will hopefully meet in the years to come. A massive thank you to Kate, Francis, Misha and Juno! You guys were amazing and lets get planning for next year lol!

The Gorgeous Kate and Magnificent Francis at the Tower Hotel Pop Up Shop!

The delightful duo of Kate and Juno doing a superb job in the Hilton London Metropole Hotel!

Borough Presentations

This is a highlight for me as I very rarely get to be in front of the cameras and go to award presentations, but I was kindly invited to attend the Borough of Ealing's award presentation (in the absence of my amazing sister, Lizzie) for their excellent parade entry and I had an absolutely incredible evening. The company was magnificent and the Bhangra dancing was stunning, whilst the food, well the food was sublime and is making me salivate just thinking about it!! Most importantly of all however, was the money that the Bhangra dancers raised for their Mayors chosen charities by performing on the 1st of January in LNYDP. A great evening and I must thank the Borough of Ealing and Charisma restaurant for their superb hospitality!
I think I must have been on my best behaviour as the Borough Of Hillingdon have also extremely kindly invited me to attend their LNYDP Awards Reception! Its turning into an excellent couple of weeks!

Being treated to a magnificent Bhangra performance! I felt like Simon Cowell on the top table! 

The Mayor Of Ealing being presented with his LNYDP Check for his chosen charities!

The Alfie Section

Well I know that in truth you all put up with my ramblings to read about the incredibly handsome LNYDP Mascot Alfie and so I thought I would give you amazing LNYDP fans a little Alfie update!
Alfie has actually grown remarkably and frankly is a huge dog now haha! He has been helping around the office and has been just generally beyond cute and amazing! Of course that is a totally unbiased opinion haha! I really do love the little guy way too much!
In fact Alfie is moving back in with his grandma and grandpa in the next week and I know how excited he is to have a garden all to himself! Life is looking pretty amazing for Alfie at the moment, although his best doggy friend is not coming to the doggy park anymore as her human has gone travelling to Sri Lanka for three months! However Alfie does not seem to be shy in coming forward with regards to making new doggy friends lol!!

Alfie trying to look innocent after knocking a box full of orders over lol!!

Alfie very happy with his special Bone at Grandma's and Grandpa's house!

Other News!

Kate, myself and Alfie are moving apartments! Very stressful indeed lol! More news to follow!! 

To all you LNYDP Men out there....dont forget its Valentines day on Saturday....That includes you Mr Alfie! 

Alfie's date day! 

Song Of The Week

This is just a stunning song. Frankly my words do not do it justice! Just sit back, listen and enjoy!!

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