Friday, 26 June 2015

Good Afternoon LNYDP fanlets and magnificent peeps, today is a great morning sunny and balmy but I feel rather sad as I am without Alfie!! I feel like I am missing my right arm, the Robin to my Batman for lack of a better analogy lol!! Plus he looked really sad with his handsome big brown eyes when I left him with his lovely dog sitter! That said, I know he will have a great time running in the fields with his dog friends and generally getting up to doggie mischief! I think I miss him more than he misses me in all honesty!!

Missing his handsome face already! I mean seriously does it get cuter than that lol! p.s. yes that really is a doggie baseball cap!

Anyway enough pity, what a week it has been! Truly awesome! This week was LNYDP Site Inspection week and what a whirlwind of magnificence it has been....

LNYDP Site Inspection

Site Inspection has been superb and what an amazing group we have traveling to London for LNYDP 2016! We have had seminars, face to face meetings, hotel show arounds and Parade Walks. Tonight it culminates in a very merry Site Inspection finale dinner, where we will all no doubt let our hair down and enjoy! I can not wait, some great food, wine and even better company! I can not wait to welcome these awesome folk back to London in a few months with their super talented groups! I think the current saying goes....#superexcited lol!! 

My crib sheet reading for my Site Inspection Presentation!! I really do need all the help I can get lol!! 

The Un-Official Site Inspection.....

Now I think it only fair that I show you wonderful LNYDP peeps how we, the LNYDP team relax after working hard on Site Inspection lol! This is the unofficial LNYDP team diary off duty lol!! We work hard and play hard haha baby (Direct quote from my boss and legend Dean O)!! But in all seriousness, it is great to have all our team together in one place, be it from the States or Earlsfield!! At LNYDP we truly are one baby!! A huge personal thank you to the LNYDP team who have made this week happen and have allowed me to be a part of it! 

P.s. See if you can spot out Telenet Global's head LNYDP project manager and good friend of mine and LNYDP, looking very manly with his ladylike cocktail lol!! He will definitely kill me for this lol!! 

The LNYDP Boys are back in town!! Need I say any more!! lol!!

Very Manly Terry lol!! Apparently it is one of your five a day with the fruit element lol!!! But seriously folks, this guy does an amazing job and at LNYDP we love him and all he does!! Thank you Telenet Terry!! 

The Stunning and uber talented LNYDP Lizzie with a well earner treat! P.s. can you spot our LNYDP leader and Hero here? Surely not lol!!

Ascot Races! 

Kate and I ventured to Ascot for the races last weekend and what a great, if slightly wet time we had!! Thank you LNYDP for giving me half day Friday!!  I lof course lost every single race - typical!!! But my gorgeous and far more supremely talented girlfriend actually won a little money! I take my hat off to her literally lol!! See the pictures below....haha!! Yes I conceded that I had to include a picture of myself all dressed up too!! #veryembarassing!! #beautyandthebeast!! Kate obviously the beauty and me well obviously the latter lol!! 

Literally this hurts me having to put this up on here lol!! Oh dear oh dear oh dear!! 

My stunning better half! Elegant and gorgeous!! Very Ascot-esq!! 

Potential - New LNYDP T-Shirts

Ok magnificent LNYDP peeps, have to be super quick as am off for a Hotel Show around and am running typically late. However very briefly I received a quick visual of how the future LNYDP T-Shirts might look? Now I love them, however I would love and frankly need some honest feedback / suggestions regarding T-Shirt colour combinations!! Help me LNYDP people!! Please lol!! Give us a shout on facebook @LNYDP and those with the winning suggestions could win one of these future beauties! 

Thumbs up or thumbs down LNYDP peeps!! You decide lol!! 

Song Of The Week

It's been an amazing week. Hard work, loads of new friends made from accross the big pond and lots of old friends caught up with! After such a great week, what better to kick back and unwind with than a little Ray Lamontagne! A voice of pure honey and gravel with a load of heart and soul! Enjoy LNYDP folks and see you all next week! Thank you again for reading x

Friday, 19 June 2015

Good Morning magnificent LNYDP peeps! Today is a little overcast but very muggy, so as I type I am literally sweating onto the keyboard! A lovely visual for you to start your day to haha!!

Anyway moving swiftly along.....This week has been all preparation for the Site Inspection visits taking place next week. We are all super excited here in LNYDP Mews Headquarters and have a presentation of great magnificence lined up! My segment is especially legendary....of course haha!!

A little sneak preview of our Presentation!! Contain your excitement peeps!! 

LNYDP Giant Mayor Balloon

So good news on the massive, giant and well awesome balloon that LNYDP have commissioned! It is well under way! Today we received updates from the magnificent Next Generation Inflatables to inform us that all the hosing had arrived, as had the pipe work for the inflatable wand that the LNYDP Giant Mayor Balloon will be waving! Now in truth this does not mean a lot to me (Not being a balloon expert) lol!! However I am assured by balloon authorities that this is a great thing and means that all is progressing ahead of schedule! Yayyyy!! Happy days!! I promise more interesting pictures than the below to follow in the next blog lol!!

Primed Pipe Work for the Mayors Magical Wand! 

The Hose for the Balloon - Not an entirely stimulating picture I appreciate lol! !!

Flavie Departs! 

As you may or may not know, we have had the pleasure of having the incredibly talented Flavie on work experience here at  LNYDP Mews Headquarters for the last two weeks. Today is Flavie's final day and we are all very sad to see her go! However we have been assured that once she has finished school she will be heading back to the LNYDP Mews headquarters to help us once more. Now a brief word on Flavie, at only 16 years old, Flavie speaks fluently four languages and works like an absolute demon and is a true pleasure to have in the office! We all @LNYDP thank Flavie very very much and look forward to welcoming her back at the LNYDP Mews Headquarters in the future! 

The LNYDP ground floor team! Alfie is going to miss Flavie! 

Tyler and The Audio Guided Walk Updates! 

We were delighted to welcome Tyler Butterworth into the LNYDP Mews Headquarters this week to discuss the updates for the Audio Guided Walks. Firstly the updated product is insane. It is truly amazing, genuinely! Secondly it is fantastic to see Tyler and have a catch up with a top top man! Check out the picture below with Lizzie, Malcolm and Tyler all deep in very important discussion. Fair to say Alf and I were not privy to the details of the meeting! We were merely lurking in the background taking pictures discreetly lol!! 

A very important LNYDP Product meeting with me lurking taking pictures lol! 

Thursday Evening Drinks for Family Bone! 

Well this is of course a some what biased blog, but frankly this was such a lovely picture I thought I would share it with you magnificent LNYDP fans! This is our magnificent leader and hero with fellow Director Geri Bone and the incredible LNYDP Lizzie Bone all having some well deserved down time after a hard Thursday at the LNYDP Mews Headquarters! Again I was the one taking the picture, so am not in the Photo!! Gutting!! Alfie was running around the pubs garden finding food no doubt lol!! 

A happy Picture of the Family Bone having a well earned rest! 

Song Of The Week

A great song for a great week! Enjoy LNYDP magnificent peeps and have a wonderful weekend in Paradise!! 

Friday, 12 June 2015

Good afternoon wonderful LNYDP peeps! Now I am writing this blog in the afternoon as it has been a truly hectic morning for our leader and hero, Alf and myself! But more on that later.
LNYDP are also delighted to announce a new intern at our LNYDP Mews Headquarters. The lovely Flavie is helping us and is doing a great job! Hopefully in a couple of years Flavie will come back and help work on our ever expanding European Events as how many people speak 5 languages fluently lol!! I can barely speak one!!
Moving on swiftly......News this week!!

This kid is awesome!! I know how he feels today lol!!

Warehouse Clear Out

This morning and I mean morning (7am), our great and wonderful leader and hero accompanied me to our LNYDP warehouse and we did a huge clear out! When I say huge, I genuinely mean huge lol! Below are a couple of pictures just to prove how hard it was!!  We loaded those trolleys three times over, plus swept and did god knows what else lol! It was a proper workout, who needs the gym hey!! 
I had to pop home and shower before they would let me back in the LNYDP Mews headquarters!! Harsh right!! Alf meanwhile opted to stay at his grandmas house and have a doze....very wise I say in hindsight lol!!

6 Trolleys worth of clear out!! All going to recycling of course!

This was one of two very full 4 yard Skips lol!!

Party At Casa Bone!

So last weekend, during the sunny blitz that descended upon London, LNYDP hero and leader got the BBQ out and invited all of family Bone around for a feast! Kate, Alfie and myself went round and what a great time was had! Grandma Bone was on amazing form and well the famous LNYDP Lizzie Bone revealed her incredible secret talent! Hula Hooping! Ask nicely and you might get to see a video of her in action haha!! An amazing day and well I just had to share the below pics with you amazing fans! 

Two Legends! Our Hero and Leader with Grandma Bone! 

Family Bone all around one table! Look at the Bone women pouting! Outrageous!! 

Youth Music Of The World (YMOTW) Folders Created

I decided to up our branding and took it upon myself as Director Of Merchandise to create a YMOTW A4 Zipped folder for all meetings and presentations and boy oh boy has it turned out a peach! Now if you see any LNYDP team member or participating Band Director, I guarantee they will have their branded YMOTW Folder on them! Swanky or what!! You know you want one really!!! p.s. Can you spot Alfie's water bowl in the pictures haha!! 

Just wow!! If Carlsberg did Folders.....

P.s. Can you see Alfie's water bowl lol! 

Cute Alfie Pic!

Well clearly a Joe and Alfie blog would not be complete without a cute picture of the main man himself lol! So below was captured this week at a fairly early hour in the evening haha!! Alfie and his mum fast asleep on the sofa!! Alfie deciding that he wanted to hug his gorgeous mum Kate!! Too cute for words!! I had to capture the moment and share it with you magnificent LNYDP peeps! 

Definitely one of those Kodak moments!! Alfie hugging his mum while fast asleep!!  It melts my heart lol!! 

Song Of The Week

Just a great song! No words really needed for this bad boy! So much better when he sings it live!

Friday, 5 June 2015

Bon matin mon ami's! Today I feel a little French lol! How are we all? What a glorious few days weather wise it has been. Always improves one's mood I feel! lol! No idea why I am talking regally! Apologies haha!
So LNYDP News this week in homage to the end of Top Gear!  Malcolm makes coffee and reads the paper! Giant spider found by Sara's desk and Alfie sleeps on the floor..... Read on for more!!!

Giant Spider invades LNYDP Mews!! 

Alfie sleeps on the floor! 

LNYDP partner an amazing Magician OFFICIALLY! 

This has been a long time in the making but finally LNYDP and Alf and I can confirm that we have partner OFFICIALLY (It's signed) with an incredible celebrity magician! Look out for his appearance on the 'One Show' where he will be officially announcing his partnership with LNYDP in August 2015! Very exciting times! We have no idea yet what Trick/Illusion will happen on January 1st but it is going to be hugely and incredibly insanely amazing!! P.s. the ladies in the office seemed to rather like him too! Subtle hint......BUT I absolutely can not give any more clue or I will be in bigggg trouble! 

The perfect slogan for LNYDP 2016! 

LNYDP Tour Assistant hits Hollywood!

An LNYDP legend and 8 year stalwart has broken Hollywood! Its official. Luisa Guerreiro is an a soon to be released film, 'How To Be A Villain'. Now those of you familiar with the lovely Luisa will most likely not recognise her in the film, see picture below!! It really is Luisa in full costume, promise!! An amazing achievement for Luisa and we are all so proud at LNYDP! We are also delighted that despite her big screen success, Luisa will be returning for another year to magnificently 'Tour Assist' for LNYDP!

The magnificent Luisa in full costume and make up!! It really is her guys and girls!! 

Kate gets ready for Ascot!

Now, strictly this is not LNYDP related. However it is a blog about Alfie and I and well Kate is my girlfriend and Alfie's mum so basically there is a connection lol!  
Now my stunning and talented girlfriend has once again made her own hat for Ascot and I think it is extremely awesome and so am proudly showing the world her efforts, even though I know she will kill me for doing this haha!!  Check out her Ascot hat below....pretty darn awesome right! 

Amazing hat but an even more amazing girl!! 

Just gorgeous! I am a very lucky guy! The hat is gorgeous too lol!

In the studios with Dipesh and Lizzie

A crazy fun week culminated in me and the gorgeous and ever youthful LNYDP Lizzie Bone heading over to the studios of Dipesh B. to edit some LNYDP videos! Truthfully I was only really there to take pictures and drive Lizzie around lol!! But had a great time anyway! Dipesh is seriously talented and had an insane set up of  high tech wizadry (in keeping with LNYDP theme)!! A fun fact for all your magnificent LNYDP fans....Dipesh is also now a trained BA pilot, so is one crazy talented guy! It was actually great fun and the final results were stunning. A massive thank you for Dipesh for hosting us and we look forward to heading back into the studios in the near future to record some new footage! 

Dipesh getting the High Tech Gadgets set up!! One of many Dipesh editing rooms! 

Song Of The Week

As it is really coming, I feel this has to be song of the week lol! A great band and a great song! Happy Weekend all and thank you again for reading! x