Friday, 25 April 2014

So in truth this has been rather a short week and us staff here at LNYDP Mews Offices all seem to have the April Blues!!

Firstly there is myself and Alfie. I have terrible back ache and have been having a lot of Acupuncture, let me tell you, its not as scary as it seems! Then little Alfie has had a bad tummy and has been off his food the last few days. Fortunately his new doggie girlfriend Mischa has kept his spirits high! Mischa being a gorgeous Wheaton Terrier who is three years his senior!!

However that is not the end of the April blues, no no! Lizzie Bone has a truly terrible tooth ache and is needing a root canal (OUCH!!) and poor Sara Marinoni has excruciating pain in her shoulder and back! We really are the walking wounded at the moment, but walk on we do, proudly in the name of LNYDP.

On a happier note however, despite the shortness of the week, LNYDP has been rather buzzing and keeping all us wounded rather busy and distracted!

Lizzie and Sara go back to School:

Now this is exciting news. As many of you will know, the gorgeous and glamorous LNYDP ladies Lizzie and Sara have been attending a school to make them even more amazing than they already are! They are now pro's at 'Adobe Illustrator' which essentially means that they can now edit pictures, create pictures and be generally even more amazing at computer whizadry than they are currently. Take the Bob Icon and the LNYDP Patrons Icons below. (Yes that is the LNYDP Executive Director Bob Bone in cartoon format, and yes I may be looking for another job after this!!) This pair of Glam LNYDP ladies can now create these amazing images and edit these images to suit all needs. Top stuff from the ladies! However they are not resting on their laurels and are attending yet another course next week! However the technical name for the new course escapes me.....

The Maginifcent LNYDP Patrons:

The incredible Executive Director of LNYDP: Mr Bob Bone

Malcolm the Great Returns:

Fear not all you LNYDP fans. It may have been a three week hiatus but the legend that is Mr. Malcolm has returned with a bang! Having had a rather stressful holiday helping his parents move out of their family house of over 40 years, Malcolm returns refreshed and more ready than ever to help you amazing fans of LNYDP! Alfie is rather excited too as he is a huge fan of Malcolm's tummy tickles! 

The return of Mr Malcolm!

Song Of The Week:

The Incredible and eternally youthful Mr Jackson Browne! I had the pleasure of watching Mr Browne live at the Royal Albert hall two years ago and he was truly awesome! This is my favourite song EVER! What a great tune!! 

Alfie's Image of the Week:

To be honest this image melted our hearts here at LNYDP Mews Office's and although rather random, I had to find a way to pop it into this week's Blog! I mean it is simply toooo cute right!? 

That's my boy Alf! Proud dog dad!! x

Personal Note:

Many of you amazing LNYDP fans will be familiar with the Legend that is Mr Dan Kirkby, head of PR and Communications. Well many of you might know that Dan is an avid Soccer (football) fan and has been a lifelong supporter of Brentford Football Club based very close to LNYDP Mews Headquarters. This week Brentford gained promotion, the first time in 27 years to the Championship League! A huge achievement and one that deserves a massive celebration! Congrats to Dan and to Brentford! 

The Brilliant Bee's

Mr Dan Kirkby

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the most entertaining and revealing the worlldddd!!! As Mr Clarkson of Top Gear would say!

So last week I appreciate the Blog was somewhat timid and if I am honest did not really dish the dirt on the behind the scenes goings on at LNYDP Mews Offices. But like all good books and blogs, you have to set the scene right!! As Stella Artois would say, 'All good things come to those who wait'..... I personally prefer to think of this blog as a fine lump of cheddar cheese, getting better with age!

So enough boring talk,  lets have a week recap!

- London On The Move

Ok the big, no scrap that, MASSIVE  LNYDP news of the week, is that the LNYDP theme for the 2015 Parade has been announced and is......'London On The Move'. What an awesome theme!! Think buses, bikes, penny farthings, the underground and overground tube, you name it, think it!!

 Below is an exclusive sneak preview of the vision for the Poster Image, penned by the fabulous Judo expert and design extraordinaire Ian Wilson at Mash Media. Imagine this design with vibrant colours and finished to perfection and frankly Vincent Van Gough eat your heart out!

Imagine with bright reds and blues...what a design!! Definitely potential to be the best LNYDP poster yet!! 

- Youth Music of the World Facebook Page...COMING SOON!!

This is the incredibly exciting news I have been told from our head of Social media, the wonderful 'Sara Marinoni' (Soon to be married,very exciting!) that there will be a Youth Music of the World facebook Page popping up next week! You heard it hear first everyone! Be sure to check it out and below is a little preview of the soon to be facebook page! I think this deserves a #excitingtimes lol!!

The Youth Music of the World Facebook Page, coming to a computer near you!! 

- Alfie's Video Of The Week!  

This section is frankly entirely pointless and somewhat unnecessary, but it is seriously cute and I suppose slightly relevant as Alfie is now official Mascot of LNYDP!
This week Alfie had his first doggie groom and well came back a massive fluffy ball! He was crazy fluffy and super his dad of course haha! However I just could not believe how big he had gotten! I then watched this video of Alfie only a month ago on his first ever walk outside and well it is just too cute for words, that I had to share it along with his post groom photo lol!!

p.s. Alfie we think has a girlfriend named Mischa, they have a playdate every night at 6.30 pm and well things seem to be going rather well....fingers crossed for the little Alfster! His dad is proud!!

Alfie the LNYDP Mascot proudly sitting in his dad's driving seat after having his first ever dog groom! Love it!! 

Alfies First Walkies!! Come on the Alfster!!! Click the link to watch x

- Song Of The Week

The incredible Pharrell Williams! Need I say more!!

- Finally and most Importantly.....Happy Easter from all at LNYDP!!  

- Head's Up...Next Week on the Joe and Alfie Blog

What an exciting Blog it will be next week! We have LNYDP office staff dressed in the LNYDP Onesie and more importantly we want you to tell us who looks best in the amazing and super stylish LNYDP Onesie!! Will it be Lizzie, Sara, or will it even be me!! lol( yes I know that's doubtful)

Plus loads more LNYDP gossip,  information and Alfie adventures (including photo's). Stay tuned LNYDP people and have a greeeeaaattt Easter!!!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Hello and welcome to my brand new LNYDP Blog! You can read my NEW blog, (if indeed you feel it is worth reading lol) every Friday from 1pm UK time). 

WARNING: This Blog contains LNYDP office gossip, behind the scenes footage at LNYDP and plenty of utterly random Joe ramblings! You have been warned lol!!

Now I can already see (imagine) many of you looking rather worried and thinking OH NO, not another long and dull blog to have to read! But fear not, this blog will be both interesting and more importantly SHORT!! I promise!!

Alf and I bonding on the Kitchen floor!
Alfie with his LNYDP Lanyard!
As this is my very first LNYDP blog, I feel I should properly introduce myself. My name is Joe Bone and I am Head of Merchandise and Logistics for LNYDP. I am also, some may say (more importantly) Dog Dad to LNYDP Mascot Alfie, whom as I speak is currently looking at me with Puppy eyes asking for yet another tummy tickle!!

(Yes He did just get a Tickle)!!


  • Today I shall start by addressing the Global trend and phenomenon that is the #nomakeupselfie. I felt it was only correct that at LNYDP we should get involved and donate to such a great cause. Plus Alfie was only to keen to volunteer for the #nomakeupselfie…….(see below) 
LNYDP cancer Research UK donation

Little Alfie in his Polo Shirt post Bath time....#nomakeup

  • Cancer Research is a great cause and over £8,000,000 or $13,000,000 Million has been raised to date! I believe this has helped fund 10 new clinical trials which is fantastic news. Plus it was great fun to get involved and raise awareness! Alfie had a barking great time! Excuse the pun....

  • LNYDP now nominates: @TournamentofRoses(RoseParade) for the #nomakeup selfie

Future LNYDP Merchandise....Onesie!?

  • As Head of Merchandise I am starting to plan Items for the 2015 LNYDP event!? We have had some great brain storming sessions and frankly some not so great ones.  However the most controversial Idea to date  has been the possible introduction of an LNYDP onesie!? What do you guys think!? Personally I'm a huge fan (see below)...

  •  Just for amusement I have attached a mock up of an LNYDP onesie and well for even more amusement (at my expense sadly) a picture of me wearing my rather awesome onesie! Be kind pleaseee, as I think my Girlfriend may have disowned me after seeing this…. Lol!
Me in my Onesie (Less said the better!!) lol

The New LNYDP Onesie???

Do you guys have any other Ideas for Clothing and Merchandise Items? Let me know @ The more outrageous and outside the box ideas the better!

Caking and Baking

  • Finally and on a completely unrelated note to LNYDP. I want to congratulate my amazing girlfriend and Alfie’s Dog Mum (Mom) on having her Gluten Free Cakes stocked in the best chain of Deli’s in West London. The cakes look amazing and taste even better! If your in London, message me and I will make sure we get a couple of FREE cakes over to you! P.s. any ideas for future flavours would be most welcome!? I also feel that a special LNYDP Cake should be baked? Agree? And ideas as to what it should look like?
  • A selection of Kmac and Co's finest! 
    My fave, Ginger Spice delight! 

LNYDP Song Of The Week

  • Finally the LNYDP song of the week! No question about it and no better song in the universe to kick start this blog....Starring the incredible, talented and uber cool Bebe Winans.....

That is the end of this week's Blog I'm afraid...It wasn't tooo painful to read was it? lol Stay tuned as they say in show biz for more LNYDP and Alfie gossip next week! P.s. Rumour has it Little Alfie may have found a Doggie Girlfriend....!!! BUT more on that next Friday x